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The Bond Report |
In Fierce Pursuit of True Freedom
Vol VI - Number 12: December 2010
![]() ================ Our mission is total psychological and economic freedom for people of Afrikan descent. You can also "FORWARD" The Bond Report to friends and others of like mind. ================ "Why I think to teach a man to hate himself, is much more criminal than teaching him to hate someone else. Look at you. Who taught you to hate yourself? "Malcolm X |
In This Issue: US Foreclosure Crisis Strips Wealth of Black Families GPS|BLACK: The First and Only Nationwide Mobile Directory of Black-owned Businesses The Age of Obama as a Racial Nightmare Dr. Ed Robinson Defines "The Problem" for Black People How to Dominate a Networking Scene in 5 Steps Reviving Small Business Lending to African-American Owned Businesses PGA Qualifying School Success Huge for African-American Golfer Joseph Bramlett White Man Pleads Guilty to Wearing Black Man Disguise in Robberies Get NORMBOND to Speak or Consult for You |
" I
appreciate the opportunity to share the info with people that want it -
and particularly those willing to do something." Norm Bond |
The end of the decade finds Black America at a fork in the road and critical decisions to make. Unemployment is high, the economy is tanking, and prison population is climbing. A lot of these issues are not new. What is new are the tools available to help us make real progress in coming up with long term solutions. Consider the way hundreds of millions of people have come together in specific, narrow niches using the internet. Or even a subset of the internet like facebook, twitter, or groupon that have hundreds of millions of users. Whether its ethnicity, fashion entertainment, automobiles, or a favorite music group you can find like-minded people organizing on a global basis. As we come into a time of celebration, holidays, and the beginning of a new decade imagine what could happen if Black America also used these tools to organize? With each of these challenges there are opportunities. Be sure that your focus is aligned with today’s marketplace.Visit our website at to stay informed and share your thoughts on these issues. Also help has arrived for those of you looking to market your products or services. Marketing leads to sales. Now you can gain access to value marketing information, books, and services at
Please visit and share your comments on each site.
Thanks for your continued
support. I’ll be introducing you to more “real
solutions” in future issues of The Bond Report and through my
other communication
vehicles. Be sure
to let me know what solutions you're implementing. Peace, Norm |
WHITE MAN PLEADS GUILTY TO WEARING BLACK MAN DISGUISE IN SIX ROBBERIES (AND NEARLY GETS AWAY)A white man who pleaded guilty to six robberies in Ohio used a black mask so lifelike that police initially arrested a black man for one of the crimes. The mother of the wrongly accused man even thought a photo of the robbery suspect she saw on television was a photo of her son. Conrad Zdzierak, 30, pleaded guilty Monday in Hamilton County Ohio to one count of aggravated robbery and five counts of robbery in a plea deal with prosecutors. PGA Q-SCHOOL SUCCESS HUGE FOR AFRICAN-AMERICAN GOLFER When Joseph Bramlett birdied five holes in the middle of his round on December 6, moving inside the number required to cement his rookie status on the PGA Tour in 2011 he became the first player of African-American descent to play his way through Qualifying School in 25 long, lean, incomprehensible years.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard my dad cry before,” Bramlett said. It’s been 13-years since Tiger Woods won the 1997 Masters at Augusta National Golf Club. His victory generated legions of new television fans, millions in golf related product sales and more requests to integrate golf opportunities into the conference plans of many African-American organizations. |
U.S. FORECLOSURE CRISIS STRIPS WEALTH OF BLACK FAMILIES ![]() The foreclosure crisis has stripped Black families of more wealth than any single event in U.S. history. Although the mortgage scandal has impacted all Americans, the evidence shows it has disproportionately affected working- and middle-class Black people, stripping them of decades of wealth and causing irreparable financial damage. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Home-ownership has long been ballyhooed as the holy-grail of the American Dream. Throw in the white picket fence, the Golden Retriever, and a Volvo and well, things just don’t get any better — or so we were told. Home-ownership accounts for up to 80 percent of the average American family’s wealth. So as Black renters across America watched the increased gentrification of their neighborhoods, they were easy prey. A con is always built on establishing trust with the mark. So when nicely dressed, slick-talking, and well financed mortgage brokers started showing up in the Black community, meeting with leaders of Black churches, and even sponsoring events of Black civic and non-profit organizations, there was little to no internal opposition. These “authorities” represented global financial institutions like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup and other financial titans of the Fortune 500. What risk was there? Surely this was the long hoped for way out, an opportunity to reach greener pastures. Or so we were told. But today in places like Prince William County, VA units that sold in 2005 for $285,000 are going for $50,000 — and have been sitting on the market with no takers in sight for more than six months. In Cleveland, OH overgrown lawns, graffiti-scarred walls, and boarded-up windows mark foreclosed townhouses and complexes. In California, one-eighth of all residences, or 702,000 homes, are in foreclosure. Black and Latino families make up more than half of that number. According to figures from the Center for Responsible Lending, these groups have foreclosure rates 2.3 and 1.9 times that of non-Hispanic white families. Despite what you heard, there is no recovery in sight for these families. Consider the long term impact on the relationships, the financial statements, and the psychological impact on individuals who were part of a group that was targeted for economic exploitation — again. In redlining like fashion, senior managers at these financial institutions developed “emerging markets” divisions that specifically targeted under-served communities of color. The spillover effects of their actions will impact their victims for generations while many of the same “banksters” who devised these schemes received billions in bailout monies from the federal government and immunity from criminal prosecution.
Ever since Barack Obama lifted his right hand and took his oath of office, pledging to serve the United States as its 44th president, ordinary people and their leaders around the globe have been celebrating our nation’s “triumph over race.” Obama’s election has been touted as the final nail in the coffin of Jim Crow, the bookend placed on the history of racial caste in America. Obama’s mere presence in the Oval Office is offered as proof that “the land of the free” has finally made good on its promise of equality. There’s an implicit yet undeniable message embedded in his appearance on the world stage: this is what freedom looks like; this is what democracy can do for you. If you are poor, marginalized, or relegated to an inferior caste, there is hope for you. Trust us. Trust our rules, laws, customs, and wars. You, too, can get to the promised land. Perhaps greater lies have been told in the past century, but they can be counted on one hand. Racial caste is alive and well in America. |
WARS AGAINST OURSELVES | By Mumia Abu-Jamal (with audio) As the 20th year passes since the west waved war against the late Saddam Hussein and the state of war slips into greater violence in Iraq and Afghanistan there is a greater war being waged today. One which gets little coverage on TV, radio or newspaper. That war has its own psychic and physical carnages. .. [Hear audio >> |
A region by region analysis of Small Business Administration data shows that SBA 7a and developing company loans to African-American-owned businesses declined as much as 80 percent in every region of the country from the high points in fiscal years 2007 and 2008. The agency issues guarantees to private banks and other lenders which actually make the loans. Overall lending to all small businesses, classified as firms with less than $7.5 million in sales, dropped about a third from 2006 to 2010 as a result of the economic downturn. However, the decline for Black-owned companies was twice as steep. ================
HOW TO DOMINATE A NETWORKING SCENE IN 5 SIMPLE STEPS It can also be a lot of fun to meet new people. Sometimes conversations can lead to new ideas or much-needed advice, and other times you can simply make new friends. Some people even meet spouses while networking for business. In any case, networking can be intimidating. Entering a room full of people that you don’t know might be fun for extreme extroverts, but for the rest of us, it’s a necessary evil. The next time you attend an event, try this step by step guide to master networking. |
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