New Book Helps Esthetic Students Get a Leg Up in the Industry: International Spa Consultant Pens Insights and Expertise When international spa consultant and award winning esthetician Linda Harding-Bond talks about skin people listen. She has trained over 100 spa therapists for such notable organizations as the Oberoi Hotel Group in India which is ranked by Travel & Leisure magazine as #1 in the world and the GoldenEye Resort and Spa in Oracabessa, Jamaica owned by music legend Chris Blackwell, producer of Bob Marley and U2. Now she shares practical insights in her new e-book titled, The New Esthy Handbook: An Essential Guide for Novice or Nervous Estheticians. .
Coalition of Black Media Owners and Professional Organizations Launch
"Million Dollar Black Spending Power Campaign":
Calls on Black Community to Reclaim Black Economic Power A coalition of Black media owners, professional and political organizations are calling on African American consumers across the nation to begin immediately to redirect a minimum of $20.00 per week in spending to Black-owned businesses. The initiative being called "The Million Dollar Black Spending Power Campaign" is being organized by local groups in a number of key cities. It is projected that even with minimal support this effort may turn one million dollars per week back into predominantly Black communities throughout the country.
NAMD ANNOUNCES 11th ANNUAL “BUY BLACK” HOLIDAY SHOPPING EXPO: CONSCIOUS CONSUMERISM, JOB CREATION AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT The Philadelphia Chapter of The National Alliance of Market Developers (NAMD), today announced its 11th annual “Buy Black” Holiday Shopping Expo will be held at First District Plaza, 3801 Market Street on Saturday, December 8, 2012 from 10:00AM – 5:00PM. The mix of consumers, vendors, entertainment and educational information make for a unique shopping experience.
NAMD CELEBRATES JUNE BLACK MUSIC MONTH WITH "THE MARKETING OF BLACK MUSIC": 10th ANNUAL PANEL DISCUSSION AND MUSIC ARTIST SHOWCASE" - NAMD today announced its tenth annual celebration of June, Black Music Month will feature a powerful panel discussion with industry experts, an artist showcase, and a unique networking opportunity. The event will take place on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at the First District Plaza Ballroom from 6-10PM. The theme of this year’s event is “The Marketing of Black Music.” Featured panelists include Isaac Hamm, CEO & President of IM3 Media.com, Sonya A. McDuffie, President, Black Maverick Entertainment, Jonah Cooper, President Worldwide Virtual Academy, and Envy McKee, Queen Life Curator at ArkyM Entertainment, LLC. 
NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF MARKET DEVELOPERS, INC. (NAMD) LAUNCHES 60TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE: "URBAN MARKET INFLUENCERS - 21st CENTURY GAME CHANGERS" - Marketing, media and public relations professionals from across the country began gathering today in Chicago at the Crowne Plaza Midtown Hotel for the 60th Annual Conference of the National Alliance of Market Developers, Inc. (NAMD). “Urban Market Influencers: 21st Century Game Changers” – the theme of this year’s conference promises to reflect the new realities in the world of marketing, branding, and building strategic relationships in a challenging global marketplace while using the latest marketing tools..
NAMD NATIONAL CHAIRMAN NORM BOND HOSTS 10th ANNUAL BUY BLACK DAY, PROMOTES SELF-RELIANCE (ROLLINGOUT.COM) - Norm Bond has a Ph.D in Black people. His knowledge, advocacy and love for his community can never be questioned. But he looks at the statistics and they read like a Shakespearean tragedy: African Americans boast nearly a trillion dollars in buying power, yet we are collectively the poorest and most disorganized community in the country, by far..
FROM HARLEM TO PRINCE GEORGE'S TO PHILLY - BLACK BIZ OWNERS AND CONSUMERS CONNNECT (BMORENEWS.COM) - The past two weeks have been like heaven for the Black business advocate buried deep in my bones. As the son of two entrepreneurial parents, sometimes I find this journey of chronicling Black business progress so amazing..
EMPOWERMENT EXPERIMENT CEO MAGGIE ANDERSON TO SPEAK AT 10th ANNUAL “BUY BLACK” HOLIDAY SHOPPING EXPO The Anderson family gained national attention in 2009, when Maggie and her husband John Anderson of Chicago vowed that for one year, they would try to patronize only Black-owned businesses. This exercise in direct self-help economics lead to their spending over $90,000 directly with entrepreneurs in the Black community and sparked the EE Movement. Maggie will also discuss her new book, “Our Black Year: A Tale of Buying Black in America’s Racially Divided Economy" which will be available in February 2012..
NAMD ANNOUNCES 10th ANNUAL “BUY BLACK” HOLIDAY SHOPPING EXPO: GRASSROOTS APPROACH TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND JOB CREATIONThe Philadelphia Chapter of The National Alliance of Market Developers (NAMD), today announced its 10th annual “Buy Black” Holiday Shopping Expo will be held at First District Plaza, 3801 Market Street on Saturday, December 3, 2011 from 10:00AM – 6:00PM. The mix of consumers, vendors, entertainment and educational information make for a unique shopping experience.
Information Society of Barbados (ISB) Hosts Third International Conference: “ICT : The Catalyst for Economic Development” with Norm Bond as Panelist, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are now “widely accepted by developing countries as a critical tool in their efforts to eradicate poverty, enhance human development and achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)” states James Corbin, President of the Information Society of Barbados (ISB). economic development.
Redefining FLASH MOB in Philly: Future Leaders Advancing Self-Help - "On Sunday, October 16th 2011, from 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. on the lawn of the headquarters of OIC of America, a FLASH MOB will strike. But this is not the “flash mob” that has been sensationalized in recent news stories emanating from the "City of Brotherly Love". Instead another side of Philadelphia's youth will be highlighted, in a program which they've designed to help "re-model the term" and influence their peers to pursue a positive path to success. These young leaders will demonstrate the "power of education, humanity, entrepreneurship and unity". October 16th, 2011 also marks what would have been the 89th birthday of Reverend Dr. Leon H. Sullivan, the legendary founder of Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America (OICA).
International Black Hairitage Launches Inaugural Month (IBHM) of Global Events to Celebrate the Legacy of Black Hair and the Natural Lifestyle - The goal of the month-long series of events is to bridge the gap culturally, historically, and economically between Blacks and other cultures by embracing Black hair, creating a natural holistic way of living and sparking a green global natural movement. Unshaken by the global economic dip, the business of Black hair is booming worldwide through hairstyles, products, and increased interest in natural hair care. The UK ethnic beauty industry is expected to grow 35% to £88m by 2012*. Meanwhile in the USA, the African-American hair industry is worth a cool $9 billion! 
NATIONAL NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (NNPA)- "Norm Bond Elected as Chairman, National Alliance of Market Developers (NAMD)" Bond, an entrepreneur and twenty year marketing veteran is president of NORMBOND & Associates, a strategic marketing and consulting company. He is also the immediate past national president..
DELAWARE ONLINE- "Black Self-Employment Agenda is Long Overdue" - by Rhonda Graham. Ask Norman Bond what is critical for developing the mindset of a successful entrepreneur in the black community and his answer is simple: An appreciation for the value of failure. "The difference in our community when we fail is not enough of us will take another attempt," said Bond, national spokesman for Opportunities Industrialization Centers' new Entrepreneurial Mindset Initiative. Last month OIC board members came to Canaan Baptist Church in New Castle to announce a $100 million endowment campaign to develop a self-help approach to the depression-era problem of joblessness in the black community..
THE KARIMU RADIO SHOW on 900AM WURD- Host Fatimah Ali "Talks Entrepreneurship and Economics" with Guest Norm Bond..
THE SEATTLE MEDIUM- "Demanding New African American Consumer-Marketer Relationships" - (NNPA) By Norm Bond. The African-American consumer market represents the largest emerging market in the world. With revenues projected to reach $1.2 trillion dollars by 2012 according to the US Census Bureau, this market segment has more retail purchasing power than Mexico a nation to which many US companies are beating a path. The segment has richly rewarded many retailers wholesalers and manufacturers. Indeed the African-American consumer has built entire television networks, established new fashion trends..
PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS JOURNAL- "Minorities seek access to fed funds" - By Athena Merritt. The federal stimulus package will push about $16 billion into Pennsylvania and an estimated $17.5 billion into New Jerswy. With each stimulus-related seminar that National Alliance of Market Developers National President Norm Bond attends, his concern grows that minority businesses won't benefit. Bond is not alone. The Urban League of Philadelphia, the Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition, the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus and the city of Philadelphia all share his concerns..
MATHABA NEWS- "LET THE PROFESSIONALS AT NORMBOND & Associates HANDLE YOUR VIDEO OR EVENT PUBLICITY" - Norm Bond, is National President of the National Alliance of Market Developers (NAMD). Founded in 1953, NAMD was the first organization of African American professionals engaged in marketing, sales, sales promotion, advertising and public relations..
Conversations LIVE! Radio Interview - "NORM BOND blazes up Conversations LIVE! Radio" with a wide ranging discussion on social media networking including twitter, facebook, blogs and other tools that can be used for business or social.. .
CNN interviews NORM BOND- NORM BOND was the official spokesperson and marketing and public relations chairman for the historic "Call to Action: 10,000MEN" event in Philadelphia. He spoke with CNN prior to the event about its importance and the need to end senseless violence.,
APRIL SIMS A&E RADIO- "NORM BOND interviewed on A&E Radio" with April Sims and The Poetry Man.. Norm Bond, is an internationally recognized marketing guru. It was great getting his sales tips and insights for our audience. We had to do a re-broadcast of this interview.. 
PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE - HAIR SEMINAR ENCOURAGES BLACK OWNERSHIP - The spending habits of Black women, the leading consumers of Black hair related products helps explain why other ethnic groups target them. Black women spend money. Other cultures are capitalizing on making money hand over fist by maintaining and styling the hair of Black women. When will Blacks demand a seat at the economic table?..  |